
Case Closed

new-jersey-divorce-mediatorKathleen M. Vella, Esquire, APM

Kathleen has been certified by the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators as an Accredited Professional Mediator. The New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators is the only statewide accrediting organization for mediators in the state. Accreditation is based upon the quality and breadth of Kathleen's experience as a mediator. The NJAPM website provides information about mediation and links to relevant sites about divorce. Kathleen is also on the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts roster of mediators approved to handle the mediation of economic issues in divorce. Visit their website.

How She Got Started

About twenty-five years ago, Kathleen trained as a mediator with what is now Community Mediation, which is based at the Superior Court of New Jersey in Atlantic City, New Jersey. She provided volunteer mediation services for parties with children involved in divorce litigation and became passionate about mediation offering a non-adversarial forum where parents can refocus on the best interests of their children. Through mediation we were able to work out custody and parenting schedules that made sense for each family.

Hooked on mediation as an alternative to costly litigation, four years ago Kathleen built upon her years of experience as a matrimonial lawyer and completed a comprehensive training program with the Center for Family & Divorce Mediation. During the last eight years, she has assisted many spouses and families resolve not only issues of custody and parenting, but also the economic issues of divorce—such as distribution of property, payment of debt, and both child and spousal support. On numerous occasions Kathleen has been appointed by the court to assist the families who have been unable to resolve the marital issues in their matter.

Kathleen's Beliefs

Mediation is successful with most families. I believe mediation reduces rather than escalates conflict and empowers rather than frustrates families. It will ultimately replace the Courts in resolving the issues of divorce in the majority of all cases. Why? Because, people want to feel they have been heard without damaging their children; they want to reach fair settlements without costly litigation. Kathleen would like the opportunity to assist you in resolving the many financial and custodial issues that arise in divorce. Please consider divorce mediation as an alternative to divorce litigation.

Contact Kathleen HERE for collaborative divorce and custody resolution from a professional divorce mediator.